Saturday 17 May 2008

Neglection of Simplicity

As a culprit of this I've come to realise that a lot of us, if not all at some point, feel the need to skip a basic trick immediately for the more fun complex stuff, even if the trick is the foundation of a lot of variation of fun. I personally did this with a lot of 3 ball juggling, I've completely skipped 2 diabolo suns to embrace the world of fans (although a lot of you will say that anything with 2 diabolo isn't basic, but we'll say that it's basic for that skill set). And after watching the entire Thursday aerial group skip half of sheet one (most basic moves) to do the advanced stuff, it's struck me as a bit peculiar.

I know that we do this because simple moves can be a bit boring, especially if you're in a place where there are people who are doing much cooler things, but from personal experience I can tell you, you'll feel like a fool when you're over 2 years into you're juggling, and you suddenly realise you can't chop or shower (the tricks, to any non-jugglers).

After realising this I've decided to learn and re-learn a lot of the basic juggling tricks that i should have perfected months ago, having only got shower a month ago after juggling for at least three years, I decided enough was enough.

Hence, I've now learnt chops , shower and windmill with 3 balls, and I'm trying to perfect doing all my tricks on both sides of the pattern rather than just my right. All with the help of some good tutorials from Draitube, as recommended by Nath, who is a good teacher and has a pretty sweet tutorial on claws if you ask him where to find it.

I'd recommend that anyone in the same situation does this, not just in juggling or trapeze, but in anything you do. It feels remedial, but it saves feeling silly in years to come, if you're just starting out juggling get on top of it as soon as possible.



1 comment:

OhDearMoshe said...

Its good advice! I really do know the feeling.