Thursday 12 June 2008


If you know about what happens in the juggling world, chances are you know about these guys. But to those who don't, I'm telling you now to look into them, because they've crossed the line of immense and have decided to o back for more, then go over it again, and then club pass over it.

Since 1992 they've been a experimental juggling company, combining awesome dance with equally awesome juggling, right up until now where they're bigger and better. I'd recommend these to anyone in need of inspiration. They've been on TV to, check out this video of an ad they did:

And they're you tube channel can be found here.

In other news, yesterday, today and tomorrow I'm attending a professional silk workshop which is being held at Skylight. Awesome stuff, already got some new silk moves, a new climb and a foot lock under the belt. I'll give you a much More detailed rundown tomorrow, hopefully with some pictures with me sporting a lovely skin tight surf vest (combining surf and aerial should always be done). But in the mean time, check out the Gandinis.

